
Expert DevOps Consulting

Expert-Led DevOps

You need to be able to deliver features swiftly and scale effortlessly. That’s what DevOps is for.

What is DevOps?

DevOps seeks to align the Development and Operations teams, determining the infrastructure, automations, and tools that enable them to work harmoniously together. DevOps eliminates many costly delays and disagreements, and supports both swift delivery and stable growth.

  • Infrastructure Management

  • Continuous Delivery - CI/CD

  • Containerization

  • Observability

  • Secrets Management

  • Auto-Remediation

    You know you need DevOps when...

    Systems cannot scale to handle more traffic quickly enough

    As your business grows, so does the infrastructure required to host your applications. Manually making changes by logging on to a server or clicking buttons on a cloud console quickly becomes inefficient and error prone. This is colloquially known as ClickOps.

    Application features cannot be delivered quickly enough

    Low velocity can often be attributed to an inefficient software development process. Reduing batch size, work in progress and unplanned work, whicle elevating constrains are a just a few things that can help you deliver faster.

    New version releases take a long time and require a lot of manual steps

    A long manual release process is scary, error prone, and contributes to resistance to smaller and more frequent releases.

    Teams struggle to trace issues back to root causes

    When a production incident occurs, how does your team find out? How do they respond?

    What our clients say

    “One of the largest benefits that stood out is that Bitovians are always willing to find a quality solution to a problem, not just any solution. Digging deep into the details to really understand a problem is exhausting, but necessary, and Bitovians do that very consistently.”

    Joe Cavanagh

    Fortune 100 company

    “It’s been very instrumental to have Bitovi help us on that journey. Like my mind was blown about the competency of these guys, the quality of the work they delivered, how friendly and willing to help out in, you know, all ways. It was just amazing to me. So I’ve been thrilled and lucky in the last two years to work with these guys.”

    Andy Majot

    Principal Cloud Architect, Yum! Connect

    Meaningful outputs, delivered swiftly.

    • Scaling Infrastructure

      • Virtual machines
      • Autoscaling tools
      • Containerizing
      • CDNs
    • Integrated Observability

      • Observability layer
      • Autoremeditation
      • Service mesh
      • Reporting
    • Swift Deployment

      • Pipeline automation
      • Zero-downtime releases
      • CI/CD
      • Workflow optimization
    • Secrets Management

      • Security audit
      • Credential rotation
      • Tooling

    We are DevOps experts skilled at:

    • terraform
    • ansible
    • aws
    • packer
    • vagrantup
    • aws_cli
    • bitops
    • github
    • gitlab
    • jenkins
    • slack
    • spinnaker
    • buddy
    • docker
    • kubernetes
    • helm
    • aws_fargate
    • prometheus
    • grafana
    • jaeger
    • elastic
    • scalyr
    • splunk
    • zipkin
    • vault
    • aws-secrets
    • equinix
    • stackstorm
    • opscruise

    Rapid Iteration. Early Validation. Swift Delivery.

    Every day, millions of people order food from Yum!'s four iconic brands: KFC, Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, and Habit Burger Grill. Yum! hired Bitovi to consult and collaborate on creating an ecommerce platform to support all their brands on web, mobile, and delivery aggregators.

    View the case study →
    Quotation mark symbol indicating a testimonial

    “I would absolutely recommend other companies to work with Bitovi. I can't speak enough about the team. They're dedicated, passionate, they roll up their sleeves and dive in and - not just get stuff done, but get stuff done the right way. They knew our big hairy audacious goal to be powering four brands in 50,000 locations in 145 countries. And from day one, they made sure, in partnership with our team, that we got that right.”

    Kelly DowdyVP Global Digital Commerce, Yum! Brands
    Mick McGrath
    Dir. of DevOps

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