
Bitovi Academy

Whether you're a beginner or a seasoned senior dev, our courses have something that will help you improve your JavaScript skills.

We are Angular experts skilled at:

  • React
  • Rxjs
  • Angular
  • Typescript
  • javascript
  • jquery
  • web-components
  • docker
  • React
  • Rxjs
  • Angular
  • Typescript
  • javascript
  • jquery
  • web-components
  • docker

How it works

  • Learn by doing

    Hands-on exercises with recipes to teach you the best techniques on the most popular frameworks such as Angular, JavaScript, the DOM, TypeScript, RxJS, Angular and more.

  • Leverage battle-tested trainings

    The same trainings materials have been sharpened over the past decade and delivered to enterprise front-end teams at Sony, Lowes, Walmart, and more. Free and open source.

  • Get help when you need it

    Our team of expert front-end developers is only a slack message away.

Explore our courses


Build a feature-rich Tic-Tac-Toe game in this beginner React guide.

LEVEL: Intermediate
TIME: 6 h

Build a validating credit card form with RxJS and a bit of Angular. Learn the hard but fundamental operators.

LEVEL: Intermediate
TIME: 6 h

Build a multipage, realtime ordering app with Angular. Learn FormBuilder and FormGroup. Write tests too!

LEVEL: Intermediate
TIME: 10 h

Learn the essentials of TypeScript: types, functions, classes, interfaces and generics.

LEVEL: Beginner
TIME: 3 h
Advanced JavaScript

Learn all the hard but important stuff you should know when programming JavaScript.

LEVEL: Intermediate
TIME: 6 h
DOM and jQuery

Build your own version of jQuery and use it to make a basic tabs widget. Enjoy the meta programming too!

LEVEL: Intermediate
TIME: 10 h
Web Components

Build a bus tracker component that can be used anywhere with web components. Learn the core APIs.

LEVEL: Intermediate
TIME: 10 h

Build and containerize a Node app then orchestrate a more complex example with docker-compose in this Docker guide.

LEVEL: Intermediate
TIME: 10 h

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