Angular Upgrades

Keeping software up to date includes Angular. AngularJS has reached end-of-life, while major Angular versions only receive support for 18 months.

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Why keep angular up to date?

Major browsers are now evergreen; they constantly receive updates that change how websites behave. In the event browsers break functionality within Angular or dependent libraries of Angular, only versions under support receive a patch. Further, only supported Angular versions receive fixes for exploits found in Angular.

Angular upgrades bring warnings to developers about what is changing and deprecating. Being behind on versions means newly written software can be using features already removed in modern Angular. We can evaluate the risks and help clients get back under support with our consultations.

Updates don’t need to be scary.

Along with security and protection, updates bring various improvements, such as faster build times, smaller package sizes, and developer ergonomics. All of these contribute to the same goal of making your Angular site faster. Faster for clients of the site and faster for developers to make changes, it's a win-win.

We have the experience

Our team has experience across every Angular version and experience updating common 3rd party libraries and tools like:

  • NX
  • NgRx
  • RxJS
  • Angular Material
  • and more

How Bitovi can help you update your AngularJS and Angular Applications

  • Audit your site to find a path to support. Upgrades often impact more than just Angular.

  • Work with your team to create a plan for the upgrade. It doesn't have to happen all at once

  • Upgrade 3rd party dependencies.

  • Add tests before upgrade to ensure your site's correctness.

  • Measure how much faster the site runs with the upgrade.

  • Help your team stay up to date and secure.

No matter your current Angular version or version goal, we have you covered. We have experience upgrading AngularJS and Angular 2/4/5/6/7/8/9/10/11/12/13 applications. (whew, that's a lot of versions)

Why Bitovi?

Decades of Angular experience and deep connections to the community make Bitovi uniquely poised to tackle your goals.

  • Experience in all Angular versions

    • Whether you’re behind on the latest upgrades or just looking to get advice on your modern system, Bitovi can help provide deep feedback for your current or past Angular versions.
  • Applications of all complexities

    • Bitovi has done audits with Fortune 500 companies and early stage startups. Our experts know how to tailor their advice to wherever you are in the journey.
  • Action items, not just deficiencies

    • If you’re working within your web application every day, you probably know where it’s lacking. Bitovi’s audit process ensures we’re providing you prioritized, actionable tasks at the end, not just a list of problems for you to fix.
  • We can guide the whole process

    • Our help doesn’t just end at the delivery of our audit. We provide everything from extra hands to subject matter experts to training for your team. We make sure you succeed in all of your goals.

    What an engagement with Bitovi might look like...

    Auditing your existing site lets us diagnose where trouble spots exist and plan to mitigate risks.

    Upgrades involve more than just Angular. Typically they impact TypeScript and third-party libraries. Through auditing an existing site, we uncover where pitfalls are and determine how best to mitigate them.

    We prioritize what matters most with a detailed plan.

    Upgrades can have far-reaching implications but don't have to happen all at once. We can walk you through what an upgrade will resemble with our plans. We remove the guesswork and provide check-ins and milestones to clarify your individualized upgrade path.

    Upgrading your site goes beyond "just" Angular.

    Angular development doesn't happen in a vacuum, nor does your site. Making sites use various libraries, with only some dependent on the version of Angular. Whether RxJS, Angular Material, NX, NgRx or another library, we have the experience and skills to meet your upgrade goals.

    We help you validate what's working today continues to work by testing critical pieces.

    All software has bugs; adding tests before upgrading keeps critical pieces working. Tests save QA resources throughout the upgrade by catching bugs before deployments. Our DevOps specialists can further ensure stability by running these tests during continuous integration. Adding tests to existing projects ensures critical pieces continue to work. Unit tests validate small pieces of code, while systems like Cypress validate large business flows.

    Read our blog posts on end-to-end testing with Cypress.

    Measure tangible improvements to your user experience.

    Upgrades provide quantifiable improvements to the people interacting with your site. Build improvements deliver software to clients faster via smaller build sizes and optimized packages. Performance gains from an upgrade provide quantifiable improvements that tangibly improve your user's experience.

    Proactive upgrades are the easiest.

    The more up-to-date a site is, the easier it is to upgrade. We can engage our DevOps specialists who can help keep your site up to date long after our engagement. By adding tasks to continuous integration pipelines, we can automate some of the work in keeping a library up to date. Further, DevOps can automatically accomplish minor upgrades.

    Download an Example Upgrade Roadmap

    We create upgrade roadmaps so you can continue upgrading applications as Angular versions release.

    Download now

    Schedule a free consultation!

    Bitovi's Angular experts are on standby and ready to help you foster success in your engineering organization.